3 octobre 2019

Les élèves de Seconde Euro rencontrent leurs camarades de Première Euro et leurs professeurs d'anglais et de DNL Histoire - Géographie et Sciences Physiques.

Départ du lycée vers 8h30, nous passons la matinée au Centre Pompidou à Metz.
Accueillis par King Kong dans le hall de la gallérie, nous nous séparons en cinq groupes pour visiter les trois expositions:

OPERA MONDE : la quête d'un art total

REBECCA HORN : théâtre de métamorphoses

EISENSTEIN, un cinéaste à la croisée des arts

Des questionnaires guident nos élèves dans leur découvertes de ces univers sonores et visuels où toutes les formes d'art sont représentées. 



1) In the forum: what gigantic animal can you see? What was the purpose of that sculpture?

2) Try to define what an opera is. What was the first opera and when was it written?

3) Room 2: a painting was inspired by the Russian art. Which one?

4) Room 3: “The Magic Flute” (Die Zauberflöte). Who was the composer of that opera? Describe the model kits of the scenery (what do they represent?).

5) Room 5: See the paintings about “La damnation de Faust”. What is your feeling?

6) Rooms 6, 7, 8, 9:

a) Select the scenery of the opera you prefer (Einstein on the beach, Moses und Aron, Saint François d’Assise, Norma). Explain why.

b) Select the costume you prefer and explain why.

c) Listen to the music of the operas. What is your favorite one?




1) Quote 4 important films made by Eisenstein. Who was the famous Russian composer who created the music of most of them?

2) In “The battleship Potemkine”, a very famous scene was shot on a stair at Odessa. Describe it. Later in 1987, that very scene inspired Brian de Palma: what is the title of this American film?

3) Eisenstein, who was an official film director in the USSR, promoted an ideology in his films: which one?

4) He is famous for using several visual effects in his films: which ones?

5) What were his other areas of interest?

6) The second part of “Ivan the Terrible” (1946) was filmed in color. Why? That film alludes to a tyrant who ruled Russia and a famous dictator took it personally: who was he? What was the result on the career of Eisenstein?

Rebecca Horn
Theatre of metamorphoses

1) This artist spent a year in a sanatorium when she was 20. Explain what she suffered from.
2) Rooms 2 and 3: How do you think her illness influenced her art?
3) Draw a picture to remember a work of art:

4) Rooms 4, 5: Choose a work of art: describe the materials she has used. What animals does it make you think of?
5) Room 6: Freedom Buster Keaton inspired her. They both struggle between imprisonment and freedom. Describe a scene that shows this struggle.
6)      Rooms 8, 9, 10: choose an object.

  • Imagine what happened to this object.
  •  Write what this object could say to the visitor:
7) In conclusion: choose one scene, work or picture that has struck you. Find three adjectives to describe your impressions.
8) Explain the title of this exhibition:

Après un déjeuner pique-nique dans un rayon de soleil devant le Centre Pompidou (et un peu de lèche vitrine pour les petits appétits), nous visitons le centre historique de Metz.

Les siècles ont laissé des traces sur les bâtiments: Saint Pierre-aux-Nonains, la Chapelle des Templiers, l'Arsenal, le Libérateur, les façades ornées des  maisons et du Palais de Justice...

Au retour, les groupes formés d'élèves qui ne se connaissaient pas le matin nous permettent de voir que la journée d'intégration a été une réussite. 

Un compte-rendu sera fait par chaque participant et agrémenté de photos et dessins  originaux où ils pourront donner libre cours à leur imagination et à leurs talents en tout genre.



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